A new generation of parents

Dieci amici si fanno un selfie al parcoTake a glance at the rack of parenting magazines at your local newsagent, and you’d be forgiven for thinking the challenges of parenting end at the kindy gate. But we know that’s far from true.

Parenting a child these days takes a diverse range of skills, understanding and awareness. If you have a school aged or adolescent child today, chances are you’re facing parenting questions that didn’t even exist a decade ago. Sexting, snapchat, online predators. These are just a few of the issues our parents didn’t have to think about when we were kids. But we do. This generation of parents has a lot more to contend with.

Which is why we’re creating Avery Magazine. Your newest resource to inform, inspire and entertain you as you navigate your way through this brave new world of modern parenting.

Stay tuned. First issue coming July.


  • Toni Everard says:

    As mum to a 12 year old daughter I think this magazine is a brilliant idea!

    Luckily I’m involved in Social Media as a blogger and online marketer so I have a good understanding of the different social media sites and apps that my daughter and her friends are using. I also have managed to maintain open communication lines between the two of us and I urge all parents to do this as much as they can.

    I can’t wait to check out more parenting articles here as I’m sure there will a lot of helpful information. Thank you!

  • Thanks for your support!

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